Go Tent Camping

Tent camping enthusiast


People give you funny looks when you tell them what you are planning on doing.  The comments range from “oh that’s nice” to them sharing their own personal experience.  For those who do not camp the “oh that’s nice” comment translates into “I would never do that.”  If you ask why they answer with the many reasons why they would not find camping enjoyable. Truth is that all they can picture is the discomfort of sleeping on the ground, or anything that they can imagine going wrong.


Modern society allows us all to create this cocoon of comfort in our homes.  You control the temperature inside the building you are in.  The walls keep the critters out.  We use every tool at hand to keep the insects at bay.  So when you tell a non-camper you are going into the woods for the weekend all they can picture is the frightful loss of their posh surroundings.  Maybe some ghoulish animal will get them.   


The hardest people to convince that camping is not so bad are ex-military.  There are some who served in the armed forces that enjoy camping as much as anyone.  But there are the others that want nothing to do with it.  Is it because they were told what to do?   “Get in your tent and sleep.”  It’s hard to say why some reject it feel so strongly.  The typical response it “I had all the camping I need when I was in the military.”  That’s fine for them.


So the passive tent camping naysayers have either never been or they had a bad experience.  Everyone has gone camping at least once in their life.  Well maybe not everyone has.  But if you include sleeping in your car at a highway rest stop then yes they have.  Or if you include such activities as sleeping on a gymnasium floor then everyone has camped overnight at least once before.  What they lacked was creature comfort.  So what do they think of camping?  Hum, they recall the stiffness in their body when waking up the next morning.  They don’t like it.  They are not going to do it.   They have no interest in it.


Every reason that people can give for not liking tent camping is overcome by one word, nature.  


the tent